Whatsapp image 2022 09 11 at 4.58.38 pm
Organizer:Golf Trotter , Oxford golf Resort , ramgolftrotter@gmail.com, +919371258176
Registration till:06 Oct, 2022
Player limitation:16
1) Branded goodies to all players on the first match day. 2) Trophy, $500 wild card coupon for entry in the Dubai Championship in January 2023, and prize to the winner. 3) Spot prizes. 4) Celebration and Networking cocktail Dinner.


➡️ Key points to note for the Round:

1. The first round tee-off booking for 8th October will be done by the OC. All subsequent tee time bookings need to be done individually by players at a mutually agreed date and time with their opponents.

2. Each participant in the league needs to pay $20 to GMP on their website. Participation of each player will be considered confirmed ONLY after GMP receives the $20 payment. This amount is over and above the tournament fees collected here in INR.

3. Winners of each round need to necessarily publish their results on the GMP website. The result needs to be published within 1 day of the match played.

4. It is mandatory to declare the winner of each match on the Golf Match Play website. It is as much the responsibility of the other player as it is of the winner in the flight to ensure the result is published on the GMP website. If the result is not published, the winner will be declared by lottery and the winner will be paired for the next round.

5. The league rounds will be played per the schedule mentioned below. It is mandatory that matches from the 2nd round onward are completed within the stipulated time.

➡️ Schedule:
Round 1 - Saturday 8th October 2022
Round 2 - Finish on or before 16th October 2022
Round 3 - Finish on or before 21st October 2022
Final round - 5th November 2022

➡️ General Rules:

1. We will play an 18-hole individual match play round.
2. In addition, there will be spot prizes as below
a. 2 for closest to pin on Hole No. 3 and 17 respectively
b. 1 for longest drive on Hole No. 16

3. Proposed schedule:
a. Tea / Coffee etc.: 7:00 am onward
b. Briefing before the start of play at 7.20 am
c. Tee-offs start from 7.30 pm onward
d. After game lunch: 12:30 pm onward
e. Debriefing after play / during lunch
f. Coupons for 2 beers and lunch will be provided after the game after the submission of a valid
score card.

➡️ General:

1. Each 2-ball should maintain one physical scorecard for all players of the group should there be any discrepancy in the scores observed later. Please ensure that signed scorecards carry your legible scores and are submitted after the round. No changes to scores will be allowed after signed scorecards are submitted. OC’s decision will be final in this regard

2. Anyone who reports late for the round will join his opponent and 4-Ball at the next immediate tee box and will concede such holes because he missed playing such holes due to late joining. (mark 4-over par on the scorecard)

➡️ Play conditions:

1. Gentlemen golfers to tee off from the Men's (Blue) tee box and ladies to tee off from the Red tee box

2. To ensure fast play, please take note of the following:
a. All 4-balls to play ‘Ready Golf’ throughout the round
b. If the ball goes in the penalty ( hazard ) area or in a water body, please take the next shot from point of entry within 1 club length and 1 stroke penalty
c. If the ball is lost or goes out of bounds (OB), please take the next shot from point of entry within 2 club length and 2 stroke penalty or hit a provisional shot from an original position with a 1 stroke penalty
d. If the ball lies on the cart path or grill, free drop on the fairway side is allowed at a 2 club distance from the cart path away from the pin
e. If the ball is plugged (80%) in the play area ( fairways & first cut ), players may announce the same, take relief of up to 1 club length away from the pin and take the next shot without any penalty. A ball lying in deep rough or thick grass is NOT considered plugged.
f. As the rainy season continues, there is a possibility of rain during the match plays. There could also be water clogging beneath the ground on the fairways and roughs. In such a case, players may take relief of up to 1 club length away from the pin and take the next shot without penalty
g. Before taking any relief, please take consent from the opponent. In case of any dispute, please take a photo/video and submit it to OC after the game. OC's decision on the issue will be final.

3. In All other areas, play as the ball lies or proceed as per the rules of Golf

4. Please putt out with the same ball that you tee off with on a hole (unless a change of ball is warranted under the rules of golf, you may also change & clean the ball while taking a drop). No separate putting ball is allowed

5. No Mulligans, please!

6. Since this tournament is an individual match play, if a match is won before the completion of 18 holes, it is recommended to stop play to ensure fast play.

7. Please adhere to the golfing rules and etiquette mentioned above and circulated from time to time on various forums for a fun and pleasant round

8. Given the large field and our efforts, holdups may occur. We urge you to be patient and considerate to your fellow Golfers.

Good Luck & Happy Golfing!

📞 +91 93 712 58 176
👤 Ram Kumar Agrawal
📧 golf@golfmatchplay.com
🌐 www.GolfMatchPlay.com