Whatsapp image 2022 09 11 at 4.58.38 pm
Organizer:Golf Trotter , Oxford golf Resort , ramgolftrotter@gmail.com, +919371258176
Registration till:06 Oct, 2022
Player limitation:16
1) Branded goodies to all players on the first match day. 2) Trophy, $500 wild card coupon for entry in the Dubai Championship in January 2023, and prize to the winner. 3) Spot prizes. 4) Celebration and Networking cocktail Dinner.

All attendees

NameGolf ClubHCPPointsWin ratio
Nikhilesh JoshiOxford Golf Club 10.000%
Yash shahOxford Golf Club 12.000%
BIJAY LENKA Pune golf club 14.000%
Yashwant ZanjageOxford golf and country club, pune, india 20.000%
Sachin KulkarniOxford golf & country club india 20.000%
Subramanian MKOxford golf & country club india 22.000%
Suresh Kumar PrasadPoona club golf course 23.000%
Shrikant Ahirrao Oxford golf resort 24.000%
alok goleOxford golf & country club india 10.000%
Sameer AmbegaonkarOxford golf and country club 16.000%
Ramkumar Agrawal Oxford golf & country club india 21.0533%
Kamlesh ShrikhandeOxford golf and country club, pune, india 24.000%
MRITUANJAY SINGHOxford golf and country club, pune, india 14.000%
Ravindra MandhanaPoona club golf course 21.000%
Kiran prakash shahOxford golf & country club india 20.000%
Rajinder RazdanOxford Golf Club 13.000%