⛳ Location: The Address Montgomerie Dubai P.O. Box 36700Dubai, United Arab Emirates
⛳ Format: Match Play Annual GolfMatchPlay Championship for the TOP 48 players from the main Leaderboard and Wild Card holders.
GolfMatchPlay held their VI GMP World Amateur Championship in Dubai 2021 on January 11th-16th at the Address Montgomerie Dubai, a prestigious 18-hole championship golf course that is also recognized as the premier leisure destination in the Middle East.
Twenty-eight golf enthusiasts from Germany, Sweden, UAE, India, Latvia, Czech Republic and Russia came over to the UAE for a 5-day tournament with the aim to define the Winner of the VI GMP World Amateur Championship in Dubai 2021.
Tournament's Day I started with the participants’ registration, welcome breakfast and briefing by the GolfMatchPlay CEO - Claes Settergren, who greeted all golfers and guests and reflected on the key rules of the Match Play. The briefing was followed by the random lottery during which competing pairs of that day were determined.
The five tournament days were full of excitement, healthy competition and intrigue, it was impossible to predict the Winner’s name till the Final as all participants showed superb golfing skills and determination, performing at the highest level.
However, each competition can have only one Winner. After a challenging Final round between the two “long-term members of GolfMatchPlay” - Mairis Vīnšteins from Latvia and Jan Rakowski from the Czech Republic the Winner was determined only on the 14th hole - Mairis Vīnšteins managed to take over the game and became the Winner of the VI GMP World Amateur Championship in Dubai 2021.
After the Final game, the tournament’s participants and guests enjoyed a dinner and awards reception including a keynote speech by the GolfMatchPlay CEO - Claes Settergren, who spoke to the importance of the development of the Golfers’ Community worldwide.
During the Awards reception, the Winner - Mairis Vīnšteins was presented with a $ 1,000 Wild Card to the next year’s Championship and a crystal trophy.
The Best Ambassador 2020 was awarded Ram Kumar Agrawal and Mairis Vīnšteins. We truly feel it is important to recognize our team’s successes and we couldn't do it with our ambassadors. Thank you for the efforts you have made to expand the GolfMatchPlay network in 2020 and we are looking forward to cooperating with both of you in 2021
Winners of special competitions “Closest to the pin” - Jan Rakowski, and the “Longest Drive” - Karl McMullan.
Claes Settergren, the GolfMatchPlay CEO stated:
“It is truly inspiring seeing how our international golfers’ community is growing. Every year we welcome new members who see the real networking and business value that the GolfMatchPlay’s Membership gives. We appreciate the support we gain from our existing Members who act as our Ambassadors in their local golf clubs, educating more and more golf loving people about our concept. Our Team is looking to expand the network in 2021, and we promise to bring GolfMatchPlay to new locations. The GolfMatchPlay’s future looks bright”.
*GolfMatchPlay is an international golf networking society that allows its members not only play their favorite game of golf, but moreover expand their network, create new business opportunities, travel and meet like-minded people worldwide.
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